Wisdom is not a mysterious universe where your mind enters but it is a mysterious universe which enters your mind!
When the spirit of nature touches us, our hearts turn into a butterfly!
You can never catch real happiness without making others happy!
By being a fascist you lose your right to be called human being!
There are people who are trying to make the world darker and there are people who are trying to make the world brighter! And how can you know who is who? Very simple: Those who let you express your id...
The moment you think that there is no path before you, path disappears! The moment you think the opposite, path appears! All paths need people who see them!
If you harden the soil, the seed cannot grow; if you harden your heart, the love cannot grow!
The most beautiful sunset is the one which suddenly appears in front of you while you are walking pensively!
There is no such thing as a non-dangerous dictator! Like all the venomous snakes, all dictators are dangerous! Then what is the antidote? Antidote is our love for freedom and our unshakable determinat...
Pro-government press is not a press it is just a lie-generating ugly machine; it is a guard dog, guarding only the official thieves, not the public!
Yes, fascism is a horrible storm, but the storm prepares his own death by receiving fatal wounds while hitting the things he is destroying!