Lora Leigh Quote

It was my baby, too. His voice was husky, filled with regret, with pain. But even more than that, Sherra, you’re my soul. You’re every breath I take. I would give my life to have saved you. I would give it now if it would mean I could go back and spare you this pain. The dampness from his eyes soaked the swarthy complexion, lined with pain and regret. I would do anything, everything, baby, to ease this pain for you.

Lora Leigh

It was my baby, too. His voice was husky, filled with regret, with pain. But even more than that, Sherra, you’re my soul. You’re every breath I take. I would give my life to have saved you. I would give it now if it would mean I could go back and spare you this pain. The dampness from his eyes soaked the swarthy complexion, lined with pain and regret. I would do anything, everything, baby, to ease this pain for you.

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About Lora Leigh

Lora Leigh (born March 6, 1965) is a New York Times bestselling author of erotic romance novels. Leigh started publishing with electronic publisher Ellora's Cave in 2003. Leigh's longest-running series is The Breeds. She won the 2009 RT Award for erotica. Leigh was born in Ohio and raised in Martin County, Kentucky, US.