Lisa Kleypas Quote

You're not suited for this Merripen. You can't hold your liquor worth a damn. And unlike people such as me, who become quite amicable when they drink, you turn into a vile-tempered troll. Leo paused considering how best to provoke him. Liquor brings out one's true inner nature, they say.

Lisa Kleypas

You're not suited for this Merripen. You can't hold your liquor worth a damn. And unlike people such as me, who become quite amicable when they drink, you turn into a vile-tempered troll. Leo paused considering how best to provoke him. Liquor brings out one's true inner nature, they say.

Tags: merripen

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About Lisa Kleypas

Lisa Kleypas (born November 5, 1964) is an American author of historical and contemporary romance novels. In 1985, she was named Miss Massachusetts 1985 and competed in the Miss America 1986 pageant in Atlantic City.