Libba Bray Quote

Little clue: wasted on me. What? I’m into girls. Oh. Oh! Chu said. Right. Got it. That’s cool. I’ve got a cousin who’s gay. Amy Liu. Know her? Jennifer laughed. Oh, sure. I’ll just look her up in the Big Book of Lesbians. We get a copy of that with the purchase of our first flannel shirt.

Libba Bray

Little clue: wasted on me. What? I’m into girls. Oh. Oh! Chu said. Right. Got it. That’s cool. I’ve got a cousin who’s gay. Amy Liu. Know her? Jennifer laughed. Oh, sure. I’ll just look her up in the Big Book of Lesbians. We get a copy of that with the purchase of our first flannel shirt.

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About Libba Bray

Martha Elizabeth "Libba" Bray (March 11, 1964) is an American writer of young adult novels including the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Going Bovine, and The Diviners.