Karin Slaughter Quote

This is electric, right? Lydia sounded annoyed. She’d always been angry around new things. Athens is an hour away. Really? I’ve never noticed that the eleventy billion times I’ve driven this very same car to Mom’s house and back. At least she had before the ankle monitor limited her movements. Can we just go? Lydia still looked annoyed. Where does the key go? Tap the brake to turn it on. Lydia tapped the brake. Is it on? I can’t even hear it. Are you three hundred years old? Claire demanded. Jesus Christ, it’s still a car. Even Grandma Ginny could figure it out. That was really mean. She put the gear in reverse. The video screen switched to the rear camera view. Lydia huffed in disgust as she inched back the car and turned it around.

Karin Slaughter

This is electric, right? Lydia sounded annoyed. She’d always been angry around new things. Athens is an hour away. Really? I’ve never noticed that the eleventy billion times I’ve driven this very same car to Mom’s house and back. At least she had before the ankle monitor limited her movements. Can we just go? Lydia still looked annoyed. Where does the key go? Tap the brake to turn it on. Lydia tapped the brake. Is it on? I can’t even hear it. Are you three hundred years old? Claire demanded. Jesus Christ, it’s still a car. Even Grandma Ginny could figure it out. That was really mean. She put the gear in reverse. The video screen switched to the rear camera view. Lydia huffed in disgust as she inched back the car and turned it around.

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About Karin Slaughter

Karin Slaughter (born January 6, 1971) is an American crime writer. She has written 24 novels, which have sold more than 40 million copies and have been published in 120 countries. Her first novel, Blindsighted (2001), was published in 27 languages and made the Crime Writers' Association's Dagger Award shortlist for "Best Thriller Debut" of 2001.
Slaughter won the 2015 CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger award for her novel Cop Town.
Her 2018 novel, Pieces of Her, was adapted into an eight-episode television series of the same name, released in March 2022 on Netflix.