Karen Witemeyer Quote

Call me Levi. Duncan nodded. Levi, then. ’Tis a fine name to be carrying. Levi shook his head and chuckled softly. Keep your flattery for the women, Duncan. Why do ye think I’m practicin’? Duncan winked at him. I got me a bonny lass to impress. She’s a shy one, but I’m determined to coax her out of hiding. He wiggled his eyebrows and lifted his knees in a high-stepping jig as he danced his way through the doors, leaving Levi with a hearty dose of laughter rumbling in his chest.

Karen Witemeyer

Call me Levi. Duncan nodded. Levi, then. ’Tis a fine name to be carrying. Levi shook his head and chuckled softly. Keep your flattery for the women, Duncan. Why do ye think I’m practicin’? Duncan winked at him. I got me a bonny lass to impress. She’s a shy one, but I’m determined to coax her out of hiding. He wiggled his eyebrows and lifted his knees in a high-stepping jig as he danced his way through the doors, leaving Levi with a hearty dose of laughter rumbling in his chest.

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