Everyone comes into your life to fulfill a purpose of their life. So help them with love, kindness, and care.
You are rich if your heart is filled with an abundance of love.
Life will be peaceful if you can fill your heart with an abundance of love.
Be an example to teach, be a role model to follow, and be a leader to emulate.
The richest man is he who lives simply but has an abundance of love and kindness to give away.
To be a leader, take action and be an example. To be an adviser, be wise.
Be a leader with a ladder, not a boss with an order.
Be good to attract good.
Train your eyes to see the beauty in every little thing.
Love not because you have to attract someone, love because you have an abundance of love in your heart.
First fill your heart with an abundance of love. Then let the light of your love enlighten the whole world.