Cal Newport Quote

People have the need to put their hands on tools and to make things. We need this in order to feel whole. As Rogowski explains: Long ago we learned to think by using our hands, not the other way around. As our species evolved, in other words, we did so as beings that experience and manipulate the world around us. We are orders of magnitude better at doing this than any other animal, and this is true due to complex structures that evolved in our brains to support this ability. Today, however, it’s easier than ever before to power down these circuits. Many people experience the world largely through a screen now, Rogowski writes.

Cal Newport

People have the need to put their hands on tools and to make things. We need this in order to feel whole. As Rogowski explains: Long ago we learned to think by using our hands, not the other way around. As our species evolved, in other words, we did so as beings that experience and manipulate the world around us. We are orders of magnitude better at doing this than any other animal, and this is true due to complex structures that evolved in our brains to support this ability. Today, however, it’s easier than ever before to power down these circuits. Many people experience the world largely through a screen now, Rogowski writes.

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About Cal Newport

Calvin C. Newport is an American nonfiction author and full time professor of computer science at Georgetown University.