Bobby Underwood Quote

Unit One, I read you. What's your location, Unit Two? We only had two units, so numbering them was unnecessary, but it sounded more official. I'd given Janie the Mustang because she liked it and because the Bronco was a little contrary on cold mornings. I didn't want her standing out in the snow on a winter morning trying to figure out why it wouldn't start. Plus it made her feel important being Unit One. And yeah, it did make her look even cuter.

Bobby Underwood

Unit One, I read you. What's your location, Unit Two? We only had two units, so numbering them was unnecessary, but it sounded more official. I'd given Janie the Mustang because she liked it and because the Bronco was a little contrary on cold mornings. I didn't want her standing out in the snow on a winter morning trying to figure out why it wouldn't start. Plus it made her feel important being Unit One. And yeah, it did make her look even cuter.

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