Bobby Underwood Quote

Rick was stretched out on the floor taking a nap. He was the lightest sleeper I'd ever known. He could doze just about anywhere and be up and alert in an instant. His ability to drop off and then wake up at the slightest sound or movement had kept us alive on one occasion as we were trying to make it to friendly forces after our crash. He opened one eye when he heard me then went back into his slumber.

Bobby Underwood

Rick was stretched out on the floor taking a nap. He was the lightest sleeper I'd ever known. He could doze just about anywhere and be up and alert in an instant. His ability to drop off and then wake up at the slightest sound or movement had kept us alive on one occasion as we were trying to make it to friendly forces after our crash. He opened one eye when he heard me then went back into his slumber.

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