Barry Eisler Quote

But denial . . . well, you know what they say about denial. Ben nodded, seeing where this was going now, not wanting to show what he really thought of it. It has no survival value.

Barry Eisler

But denial . . . well, you know what they say about denial. Ben nodded, seeing where this was going now, not wanting to show what he really thought of it. It has no survival value.

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About Barry Eisler

Barry Mark Eisler (born 1964) is an American novelist. He is the author of two thriller series, the first featuring anti-hero John Rain, a half-Japanese, half-American former soldier turned freelance assassin, and a second featuring black ops soldier Ben Treven. Eisler also writes about politics and language on his blog Heart of the Matter, and at the blogs CHUD, Firedoglake, The Huffington Post,, The Smirking Chimp, and Truthout.