Devdutt Pattanaik Quotes

About Author
Devdutt Pattanaik is a mythologist and writer from Mumbai, India. He writes on mythology, the study of cultural truths revealed through stories, symbols and rituals. He lectures on the relevance of both Indian and Western myths in modern life. His work focuses largely on the areas of religion, mythology, and management. He has authored and illustrated over 50 books, including ABC Of Hinduism, Bahubali : 63 insights into Jainism, and Yoga Mythology: 64 Asanas and Their Stories.
Pattanaik is a regular columnist for reputed newspapers like Mid-day, Times of India and Dainik Bhaskar. He is also known for his TED talk and Business Sutra as well as hosting a radio show/podcast for Radio Mirchi, called The Devdutt Pattanaik Show.
A medical doctor by training, Pattanaik spent 15 years working in the Pharma and healthcare industry. However, his study on the cultural impact of mythology began three decades ago.