Wayne W. Dyer Quote

You can choose how you’ll introduce people, what you’ll tip, what you’ll wear, how you’ll speak, where you’ll sit, how you’ll eat, and so on, strictly on the basis of what you want.Anytime you fall into the trap of What should I wear, or How should I do it, you’re giving up a chunk of yourself. I’m not making a case here for being a social rebel since that would be a form of approval-seeking through nonconformity, but rather this is a plea for being self-rather than other-directed in the everyday running of your life. Being true to yourself means being devoid of the need for an external support system.

Wayne W. Dyer

You can choose how you’ll introduce people, what you’ll tip, what you’ll wear, how you’ll speak, where you’ll sit, how you’ll eat, and so on, strictly on the basis of what you want.Anytime you fall into the trap of What should I wear, or How should I do it, you’re giving up a chunk of yourself. I’m not making a case here for being a social rebel since that would be a form of approval-seeking through nonconformity, but rather this is a plea for being self-rather than other-directed in the everyday running of your life. Being true to yourself means being devoid of the need for an external support system.

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