Susan C. Young Quote

UN-Impressive Acts of Indiscretion• Forwarding other people's emails without getting permission.• Throwing other people under the bus to save yourself. • Talking loudly, being boorish and insensitive to the others around you.• Flagrant cheating.• Burning bridges.• Talking smack.• Dissing your competitor to your customer.• Oversharing and revealing too much personal information about yourself and others.• Breaking trust by sharing someone else’s secrets.• Being passive-aggressive to manipulate a situation or person.• Saying one thing and doing another.• Being two-faced.• Lying by omission.• Dispensing bulls#@%!

Susan C. Young

UN-Impressive Acts of Indiscretion• Forwarding other people's emails without getting permission.• Throwing other people under the bus to save yourself. • Talking loudly, being boorish and insensitive to the others around you.• Flagrant cheating.• Burning bridges.• Talking smack.• Dissing your competitor to your customer.• Oversharing and revealing too much personal information about yourself and others.• Breaking trust by sharing someone else’s secrets.• Being passive-aggressive to manipulate a situation or person.• Saying one thing and doing another.• Being two-faced.• Lying by omission.• Dispensing bulls#@%!

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