Nevil Shute Quote

It’s ever so kind of you to take the trouble, she said. She turned to her father. Dad, this gentleman’s mended my iron, and it works beautifully. She used her normal language without thinking anything about it, but each Negro within hearing caught the word gentleman and stiffened for a moment in wonder. They certainly were in a foreign country, a long ways from home.

Nevil Shute

It’s ever so kind of you to take the trouble, she said. She turned to her father. Dad, this gentleman’s mended my iron, and it works beautifully. She used her normal language without thinking anything about it, but each Negro within hearing caught the word gentleman and stiffened for a moment in wonder. They certainly were in a foreign country, a long ways from home.

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About Nevil Shute

Nevil Shute Norway (17 January 1899 – 12 January 1960) was an English novelist and aeronautical engineer who spent his later years in Australia. He used his full name in his engineering career and Nevil Shute as his pen name, in order to protect his engineering career from inferences by his employers (Vickers) or from fellow engineers that he was "not a serious person" or from potentially adverse publicity in connection with his novels, which included On the Beach and A Town Like Alice.