Lisa Kleypas Quote

Rhys absorbed that with chagrin. No one has ever accused me of being a romantic, he said ruefully.If you were, how would you propose?He thought for a moment. I would begin by teaching you a Welsh word. There's no equivalent in English. she repeated, trying to pronounce it with a tapped R, as he had.Aye. It's a longing for something that was lost, or never existed. You feel it for a person or a place, or a time in your's a sadness of the soul. calls to a Welshman even when he's closest to happiness, reminding him that he's incomplete.Her brow knit with concern. Do you feel that way?Since the day I was born. He looked down into her small, lovely face. But not when I'm with you. That's why I want to marry you.

Lisa Kleypas

Rhys absorbed that with chagrin. No one has ever accused me of being a romantic, he said ruefully.If you were, how would you propose?He thought for a moment. I would begin by teaching you a Welsh word. There's no equivalent in English. she repeated, trying to pronounce it with a tapped R, as he had.Aye. It's a longing for something that was lost, or never existed. You feel it for a person or a place, or a time in your's a sadness of the soul. calls to a Welshman even when he's closest to happiness, reminding him that he's incomplete.Her brow knit with concern. Do you feel that way?Since the day I was born. He looked down into her small, lovely face. But not when I'm with you. That's why I want to marry you.

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About Lisa Kleypas

Lisa Kleypas (born November 5, 1964 in Temple, Texas) is an American author of historical and contemporary romance novels. In 1985, she was named Miss Massachusetts 1985 and competed in the Miss America 1986 pageant in Atlantic City.