Charlotte Bronte Quote

And your will shall decide your destiny, he said: I offer you my hand, my heart, and a share of all my possessions. You play a farce, which I merely laugh at. I ask you to pass through life at my side--to be my second self, and best earthly companion. For that fate you have already made your choice, and must abide by it. Jane, be still a few moments: you are over-excited: I will be still too. A waft of wind came sweeping down the laurel-walk, and trembled through the boughs of the chestnut: it wandered away--away--to an indefinite distance--it died. The nightingale's song was then the only voice of the hour: in listening to it, I again wept. Mr. Rochester sat quiet, looking at me gently and seriously. Some time passed before he spoke; he at last said - Come to my side, Jane, and let us explain and understand one another. I will never again come to your side: I am torn away now, and cannot return. But, Jane, I summon you as my wife: it is you only I intend to marry. I was silent: I thought he mocked me. Come, Jane--come hither. Your bride stands between us. He rose, and with a stride reached me. My bride is here, he said, again drawing me to him, because my equal is here, and my likeness. Jane, will you marry me?

Charlotte Bronte

And your will shall decide your destiny, he said: I offer you my hand, my heart, and a share of all my possessions. You play a farce, which I merely laugh at. I ask you to pass through life at my side--to be my second self, and best earthly companion. For that fate you have already made your choice, and must abide by it. Jane, be still a few moments: you are over-excited: I will be still too. A waft of wind came sweeping down the laurel-walk, and trembled through the boughs of the chestnut: it wandered away--away--to an indefinite distance--it died. The nightingale's song was then the only voice of the hour: in listening to it, I again wept. Mr. Rochester sat quiet, looking at me gently and seriously. Some time passed before he spoke; he at last said - Come to my side, Jane, and let us explain and understand one another. I will never again come to your side: I am torn away now, and cannot return. But, Jane, I summon you as my wife: it is you only I intend to marry. I was silent: I thought he mocked me. Come, Jane--come hither. Your bride stands between us. He rose, and with a stride reached me. My bride is here, he said, again drawing me to him, because my equal is here, and my likeness. Jane, will you marry me?

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About Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Brontë (, commonly ; 21 April 1816 – 31 March 1855) was an English novelist and poet, the eldest of the three Brontë sisters who survived into adulthood and whose novels became classics of English literature. She is best known for her novel Jane Eyre, which she published under the androgynous name Currer Bell. Jane Eyre went on to become a success in publication, and is widely held in high regard in the gothic fiction genre of literature.
Brontë enlisted in school at Roe Head, Mirfield, in January 1831, aged 14 years. She left the year after to teach her sisters, Emily and Anne, at home, returning in 1835 as a governess. In 1839, she undertook the role of governess for the Sidgwick family, but left after a few months to return to Haworth, where the sisters opened a school but failed to attract pupils. Instead, they turned to writing and they each first published in 1846 under the pseudonyms of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Although her first novel, The Professor, was rejected by publishers, her second novel, Jane Eyre, was published in 1847. The sisters admitted to their Bell pseudonyms in 1848, and by the following year were celebrated in London literary circles.
Brontë was the last to die of all her siblings. She became pregnant shortly after her wedding in June 1854 but died on 31 March 1855, almost certainly from hyperemesis gravidarum, a complication of pregnancy which causes excessive nausea and vomiting.