Charles de Montesquieu Quote

If we only wanted to be happy it would be easy but we want to be happier than other people which is almost always difficult since we think them happier than they are.

Charles de Montesquieu

If we only wanted to be happy it would be easy but we want to be happier than other people which is almost always difficult since we think them happier than they are.

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About Charles de Montesquieu

Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (18 January 1689 – 10 February 1755), generally referred to as simply Montesquieu, was a French judge, man of letters, historian, and political philosopher.
He is the principal source of the theory of separation of powers, which is implemented in many constitutions throughout the world. He is also known for doing more than any other author to secure the place of the word despotism in the political lexicon. His anonymously published The Spirit of Law (1748), which was received well in both Great Britain and the American colonies, influenced the Founding Fathers of the United States in drafting the U.S. Constitution.