Cassandra Clare Quote

Did you know we were leaving for Idris? Catarina told me she'd been summoned to make a portal. I guessed, Magnus said wryly. I was a little surprised you hadn't called or texted to tell me you were going away.You never answer my calls or texts, said Alec.That hasn't stopped you before.Everyone gives up eventually, Alec said. Besides, Jace broke my phone.Magnus huffed a laughter. Oh, Alexander.What? alec asked, honestly're just--You're so--I really want to kiss you, Magnus said abruptly, and then shook his head. See this is why I haven't been willing to see you.

Cassandra Clare

Did you know we were leaving for Idris? Catarina told me she'd been summoned to make a portal. I guessed, Magnus said wryly. I was a little surprised you hadn't called or texted to tell me you were going away.You never answer my calls or texts, said Alec.That hasn't stopped you before.Everyone gives up eventually, Alec said. Besides, Jace broke my phone.Magnus huffed a laughter. Oh, Alexander.What? alec asked, honestly're just--You're so--I really want to kiss you, Magnus said abruptly, and then shook his head. See this is why I haven't been willing to see you.

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About Cassandra Clare

Judith Lewis (née Rumelt; born July 27, 1973), better known by her pen name Cassandra Clare, is an American author of young adult fiction, best known for her bestselling series The Mortal Instruments.