Anne Fadiman Quote

During the late 1910s and early ’20s, immigrant workers at the Ford automotive plant in Dearborn, Michigan, were given free, compulsory Americanization classes. In addition to English lessons, there were lectures on work habits, personal hygiene, and table manners. The first sentence they memorized was I am a good American.

Anne Fadiman

During the late 1910s and early ’20s, immigrant workers at the Ford automotive plant in Dearborn, Michigan, were given free, compulsory Americanization classes. In addition to English lessons, there were lectures on work habits, personal hygiene, and table manners. The first sentence they memorized was I am a good American.

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About Anne Fadiman

Anne Fadiman (born August 7, 1953) is an American essayist and reporter. Her interests include literary journalism, essays, memoir, and autobiography. She has received the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Current Interest, and the Salon Book Award.